Recruitment / Recruitment plans

Download recruitment advertising plans

Last updated: February 23, 2024

Team of employees sitting at a table on laptops showing charts and graphs analyzing ad spend.

Standard Ad Plans

Make a Future’s job advertising service allows districts to advertise difficult-to-fill vacancies on recruitment sites and other platforms in order to maximize the reach of your job posting and increase the chances of reaching qualified candidates. Through Make a Future’s provincial-level contracts, school districts get access to discounted rates for paid advertising on sites.

Standard Ad Plans consist of pre-selected sites (including job boards, email listserv broadcasts, and social media posts, etc.) designed to maximize the reach of your job posting and are available for the following positions:

  1. Teacher
  2. Counsellor
  3. School Psychologist
  4. Education Assistant
  5. Indigenous Education Support Worker
  6. Carpenter
  7. Custodian/Building Service Worker
  8. Information Technology Support Roles
  9. Accounting Roles
  10. Principal/Vice-Principal

Custom Ad Plans

Custom Ad Plans are available for all other positions and consist of up to fifteen (15) sites (including job boards, email listserv broadcasts, and social media posts, etc.) to be determined in consultation with Make a Future.

Requesting an Ad Plan

  1. Before submitting a request, please ensure that your job is posted on
  2. Submit your request by email to with your finalized job posting attached in Word format.
  3. For Standard Ad Plans, please also attach the relevant Standard Ad Plan and indicate any optional selections, substitution requests, or additions if applicable.
  4. For Custom Ad Plans, please indicate any desired advertising sites in the email. Our team will work with you to provide advertising recommendations.